Comment Policy
androidist is a technology-oriented online publication dedicated to all things Android and beyond. Our writers are passionate about the topics they write about, and our readers are as well.
Our shared interest in technology has brought us all together. We will be enforcing rules to maintain a healthy discussion within the community. There will always be room for regulations, so let us begin with the basics.
- Always be civil.
- Read the whole content before commenting.
- Post thoughtful comments that meaningfully contribute to the discussion.
- Give constructive criticism in response to posts and other comments.
- Attack androidist editors and other individuals.
- Post abusive, insulting, threatening, harassing, sexist, racist, misogynist, and/or homophobic comments.
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- Post off-topic comments.
- Post spam and self-promotion.
Comments are solely the opinions of the individuals leaving them. In no way does androidist endorse or condone them. Failure to comply with the community standards above may result in your account getting suspended.